What is Matplotlib? An Introduction to Matplotlib and how to install it?

 MatPlotlib is Python's Library that is used for Data Visualization. It is used to create high quality graph, charts and figures. The library is extensive and used for creating very detailed information.

Matplotlib is used as a replacement of MATLAB

Matplotlib is designed to provide a plotting interface that is similar to plot() function in MATLAB, so people switching from MATLAB should find somewhat familiar.

IS MATLAB and matplotlib is same?

It may not be same as MATLAB, but functionality is there. Matplotlib has very similar plotting structure to MATLAB's plotting structure.

Python replacing MATLAB?

Yes, Python is replacement of MATLAB. Many people have successfully made the switch form MATLAB to Python. The SciPy has almost everything you might need for scientific computing, such as numpy for numerical computation, matplotlib for plotting scikit-learn for Machine Learning.

How to install Matplotlib?

for installing Matplotlib we just have to run the command :-

        pip install matplotlib

and done. You all set up.

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